We’re an international architecture agency based in Italy.
From America to Africa, from Europe to Asia, we are creating your own space, with an Italian quality.

Gubbio Award
For Urban and Environmental Rehabilitation and Restoration of the Historic built heritage, the squares of Pastrengo, 2015

Città Impresa Awards
Maker of ideas, to Davide Longhi for The contribution made, through his creative activity, to the economic, social and cultural development of our region and the entire country, 2015

Selected in the Biennale of Buenos Aires Architecture
With the project: Church of Saint Antony in Padua, 2010

First International Prize AESOP of planning schools for content and innovative methods
Of Planning Workshop held at the Faculty of Spatial Planning AA 2007/08
to Davide Longhi (with Prof. L. Padovani coordinator of the laboratory), 2008

Selection for participation in the Venice Biennale of Architecture
With the project: Val di Lebba, the park and the port, the Portus Architecture Prize, city-port, Biennale 2006, Palermo, 2006